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Fire pumps are an important part of the fire protection system, especially in high rise structures.In basic 400 – 500 or advanced water situations, fire pumps are important to distribute water into water lines and sprinkler systems where the water pressure of the fire fighting equipment cannot reach. Especially in low-rise structures, fire pumps are important for fire control.
Stylistically, fire protection is a dangerous activity, but without a well-designed and professionally installed system and pump, it certainly becomes more dangerous and commercial assets and lives are less at risk.

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Fire pumps are an important part of the fire protection system, especially in high rise structures.In basic 400 – 500 or advanced water situations, fire pumps are important to distribute water into water lines and sprinkler systems where the water pressure of the fire fighting equipment cannot reach. Especially in low-rise structures, fire pumps are important for fire control.

Stylistically, fire protection is a dangerous activity, but without a well-designed and professionally installed system and pump, it certainly becomes more dangerous and commercial assets and lives are less at risk.


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